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Landslides and Heavy Rains in Erzurum: Latest Situation


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Vehicle Swept into Tortum Stream as a Result of Landslide

Heyelan Sonucu Araç Tortum Çayı'na Sürüklendi

In the incident that occurred in the Tortum district of Erzurum in the evening hours, a light commercial vehicle, the driver of which had not yet been identified, was dragged into the Tortum Stream as a result of a landslide in the rural Pehlivanlı Neighborhood due to heavy rain. While 3 of the 5 Iranian citizens in the vehicle escaped by their own means, the mother and her son disappeared in the water. While the mother was found lifeless, the search for her son continues.

Heavy Rainfall Hits Uzundere District of Erzurum

Şiddetli Yağışlar Erzurum'un Uzundere İlçesini Vurdu

Heavy rains in the Uzundere district of Erzurum and its surroundings caused flooding. While streets and avenues were flooded, barns were flooded, and culverts were damaged. While stream beds were covered with mud, DSI, the Metropolitan Municipality and Uzundere District Municipality began cleaning operations in Tortum Stream and other streams.

Landslides and Heavy Rains in Erzurum: Latest Situation

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