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Building Toppled During Demolition Works


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Accident During Demolition Works

Yıkım Çalışmaları Sırasında Yaşanan Kaza

Controlled demolition of the heavily damaged 4-storey apartment building located on 190th Street in Numune District of the district has started. During the demolition work, for an unknown reason, the building fell on its side and fell onto the 3-storey apartment building across the road.

The residents of the apartment, who experienced great panic at the time of the incident, experienced anxious moments due to the tension caused by the earthquake. There was tension for a while between the teams carrying out the demolition work and the residents of the apartment. Police teams arrived at the scene and stepped in to calm the parties in order to calm the panic.

Evacuation procedures of the damaged apartment building were carried out quickly. A comprehensive investigation has been launched by the authorities regarding this tragic incident. It was reported that a detailed investigation will be conducted into the causes of the incident and those responsible.

Yıkım Çalışmaları Sırasında Bina Devrildi

Building Toppled During Demolition Works

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