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Brown Skunk Control Methods and Their Importance


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Fighting Brown Skunk and Its Importance

Kahverengi Kokarca ile Mücadele ve Önemi

It is stated that the brown skunk bug, which has been encountered frequently especially in hazelnut gardens in recent years, causes approximately 20% damage to production. Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Associate Professor Dr. İslam Saruhan shared important information about the methods of combating this invasive insect and the issues to be considered.

The brown skunk is an insect species that can damage approximately 300 different agricultural products, primarily hazelnuts. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saruhan said, “It has been seen frequently in our country for the last 5 years and is now seriously threatening hazelnut production. This insect causes great damage not only to hazelnuts but also to various fruits and vegetables.”

Fighting with the Right Medication and Timing

Referring to the steps that need to be taken to control the brown skunk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saruhan said, “The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has taken important steps in this regard and established a laboratory in the Black Sea Region, especially in Samsun, and is breeding samurai bees that eat the eggs of this insect. Our people should resort to pesticides “control when they see this insect in their gardens. There are currently 4 licensed pesticides. However, one of the most important factors that increases the effectiveness of the pesticide is to apply pesticides at the right time.”

The Habit of Spending Winter at Home

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saruhan continued his words as follows: “The brown skunk tends to spend the winter in our homes. They can enter our homes especially in October. They do not directly harm people, but by spending the winter in the house, they come back the next Year much more resilient. Therefore, we need to prevent this insect from entering the houses and ensure that it stays outside. There are several ways to do this:

Kahverengi Kokarca ile Mücadele Yöntemleri ve Önemi

  • Closing of open spaces
  • Installing fly screens

“If this animal can stay outside, they can die in the cold of winter. This is one of the most effective methods of control.”

What Is the Brown Skunk Beetle and Where Did It Come From?

The brown skunk is a species of insect from the family Halyomorpha halys (Pentatomidae) that originates from Asia. This insect, which is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan and China, has spread to the eastern parts of the United States since the 1990s. The brown skunk is an animal that can feed on many agricultural products and more than a hundred plants with its larvae and adults. When it feels threatened or is crushed, it creates a defense mechanism by releasing a foul odor. This odor has evolved as a method of self-defense for the skunk beetle.

Brown Skunk Control Methods and Their Importance

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