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Türkiye Population Projections and Growth Expectations


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Türkiye Population Projections

Türkiye Nüfus Projeksiyonları

Compilations based on data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) show that our country’s population will be 85 million 372 thousand 377 people in 2022. Projections for the coming years predict that Turkey’s population will reach 88 million 188 thousand 221 in 2030. During this period , the population is expected to increase by a total of 2 million 815 thousand 844 people. Interestingly, 59 provinces will contribute to this increase, while 22 provinces are expected to experience a population decrease.

The province that made the biggest contribution to population growth Istanbul stands out as. The population of Istanbul is expected to increase by 473 thousand 533 people and reach 16 million 129 thousand 457. Following the mega city Antalya, will increase its population from 2 million 696 thousand 249 to 2 million 966 thousand 53, an increase of 269 thousand 804 people.

In this process Ankara The population of will also show a significant increase; the population of our capital is expected to increase from 5 million 803 thousand 482 to 6 million 62 thousand 5 with an increase of 258 thousand 523 people. Among the other provinces in the first four, with an increase of 214 thousand 887 people, Bursaand an increase of 214 thousand 364 people Kocaeliis located.

On the other hand, the province where the population is expected to decrease the most PainThe population in Ağrı is expected to decrease by 62,782 people and it is estimated that the population, which is 511,238 in 2022, will decrease to 448,456 in 2030. Among other provinces ErzurumThe population of ‘s is 36 thousand 981, CorumThe population of ‘s is 34 thousand 146, GumushaneThe population of is 32 thousand 515 and Mousse‘s population will decrease by 28 thousand 967 people.

Highest Population Growth Rate

En Yüksek Nüfus Artış Oranı

The highest population growth rate during this period was 15 percent. Tekirdağ It is expected to be seen in . While the population of Tekirdağ in 2023 is calculated as 1 million 167 thousand 59, it is expected to reach 1 million 341 thousand 928 in 2030. This province will have a population increase of 14.3 percent. Yalova It is expected to follow; Yalova’s population will increase from 304 thousand 780 to 348 thousand 426.

Following Yalova, with an increase of 12.3 percent Sirnak, with an increase of 10.2 percent Kocaeliand 10 percent increase Antalyawill take place.

Türkiye Population Projections and Growth Expectations

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