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When Will Pension Salary Increase Differences Be Deposited?


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Millions of retirees are anxiously awaiting the date when the salary increase difference will be deposited into their accounts. SSK and Bağ-Kur retirees received a 24.73 percent increase based on six-month inflation rates as of July. Civil servant retirees received a total increase of 19.31 percent, with the 10 percent collective agreement increase added to the 8.46 percent inflation difference.

According to the statement from the Social Security Institution (SGK), the July 2024 raise differences of those who receive pensions for retirees, disabled people, widows or orphans who are affiliated with the Retirement Fund will be deposited into their accounts today.

The raise differences will be deposited today:

According to the announcement by the Social Security Institution, the date on which the July 2024 salary increase differences will be deposited for retirees under the Retirement Fund has been finalized. The following statements were made in the statement made on the institution’s social media accounts:

“The salary increase differences for the July 2024 period of those receiving retirement, disability, duty disability, widow or orphan pensions within the scope of the Pension Fund will be paid on July 26, 2024.”

Accordingly, the raise differences will be transferred to the accounts as of Friday, July 26, 2024 (today).

Minimum pension increase:

It was decided to increase the minimum retirement salary from 10 thousand TL to 12 thousand 500 TL. Discussions on the Bill of Law on Amending Tax Laws and Certain Laws, which includes increasing the minimum retirement salary, are continuing in the Turkish Grand National Assembly General Assembly.

Statement from the AK Party:

AK Party Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş made the following statements in his statement on NTV live broadcast:

“The time the differences are deposited is not very important, because it will be valid from July 1. Those who will receive their pensions at the beginning of the month will receive 17,500 TL instead of 12,500 on August 1. There is a high probability that The differences will not be deposited in July.”

Emekli Maaşı Zam Farkları Ne Zaman Yatacak?
New pensions:

The regulation, which includes an increase in the minimum retirement salary, was approved by the Parliamentary Planning and Budget Committee. With this regulation, the minimum retirement salary will be increased from 10 thousand TL to 12 thousand 500 TL.

When are the payment dates for increased salaries?

With the passage of the regulation on the lowest retirement salary in the Parliament, increased salaries are planned to be paid to retirees and civil servants in August.

Emekli Maaşı Zam Farkları Ne Zaman Yatacak?
Here are the payment dates for pensions:

SSK Pension Payment Dates:
Those whose allocation number ends with 9 will be released on the 17th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 7 will be transferred on the 18th of the month.
Those whose allocation number ends with 5 will be released on the 19th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 3 will be released on the 20th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 1 will be released on the 21st of the month.
Those whose allocation number ends with 8 will be released on the 22nd of the month.
Those whose allocation number ends with 6 will be released on the 23rd of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 4 will be transferred on the 24th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 2 will be released on the 25th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 0 will receive their salaries on the 26th of the month.
4B Bagkur Pension Payment Dates:
Those whose last digits of the allocation number are 9, 7 and 5 will be paid on the 25th of the month.
Those whose last digit of the allocation number is 3, 1 will be paid on the 26th of the month.
Those whose last digits of the allocation number are 8, 6 and 4 will be issued on the 27th of the month.
Those whose last digits of the allocation number are 2 and 0 will receive their salaries on the 28th of each month.

When Will Pension Salary Increase Differences Be Deposited?

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