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UN Assessed Situation in Gaza


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United Nations Assessed the Situation in Gaza

Birleşmiş Milletler Gazze'deki Durumu Değerlendirdi

Louise Wateridge, Senior Communications Officer of the United Nations (UN) Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza, evaluated the latest situation in Gaza. Wateridge emphasized the desperation experienced by the people of Gaza and said:

“The bombardment can be heard from the northern, central and southern parts (of Gaza). The people of Gaza are helpless in the face of widespread destruction, displacement and fear.”

BM Gazze'deki Durumu Değerlendirdi

The UN official stated that the situation in the Gaza Strip is getting worse every day. It was shared that at least 37,765 Palestinians have lost their lives and 86,429 people have been injured in Israel’s attacks on Gaza since October 7.

Although thousands of people died under the rubble, it was reported that civilian infrastructure was also damaged and hospitals and educational institutions where people took shelter were targeted.

UN Assessed Situation in Gaza

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