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Two Terrorists Neutralized in MIT Operation


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Neutralizing Terrorists

Teröristlerin Etkisiz Hale Getirilmesi

According to information obtained from security sources, the terrorists were monitored by the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) for a long time. AkyolAnd Montenegrin, were detected in the Hakuruk region. These two terrorists were known as important names who prepared the handmade explosives used by the terrorist organization PKK/KCK in various attacks.

Akyol and Karadağlı were neutralized in a successful operation conducted by MİT in Hakurk while they were preparing bomb devices and homemade explosives. It was learned that Akyol participated in the trench-barricade incidents in the Cizre district of Şırnak in 2015 and that he joined the so-called rural cadres of the PKK/KCK after these incidents ended.

It was also reported that Akyol received weapons training in the organization’s camps in Iraq. It was learned that he was in Haftanin in 2019 and in Hakurk in 2020, and that he specialized in attacks and sabotage while he was operating there.

On the other hand, he joined the PKK/KCK terrorist organization in 2014 MontenegrinIt is stated that he went to the Hakurk countryside in 2023 and received attack and sabotage training there. These developments are considered as an indicator of the determination in the fight against terrorism and the effectiveness of the security forces.

MİT'in Operasyonu ile İki Terörist Etkisiz Hale Getirildi

Two Terrorists Neutralized in MIT Operation

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