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Tragic Accident as a Result of the Search Effort Participated by Villagers


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As a result of the search operation in which the villagers also participated, the light commercial vehicle with the license plate 07 BAS 868, driven by Ramazan Acar, was found on a cliff in the old mill area on the Gebece-Mahrumçalı road. The vehicle had fallen into the cliff where there were approximately 100 meters of steep rocks. Acar’s vehicle was reached with difficulty by the villagers and gendarmerie teams.

In the checks, it was determined that the driver of the vehicle, Ramazan Acar, and his wife Emine Acar lost their lives. Manavgat District Gendarmerie Command Central Gendarmerie Station, Crime Scene Investigation, Traffic, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department Manavgat Unit teams and 112 healthcare teams were dispatched to the scene.

Köylülerin Katıldığı Arama Çalışması Sonucu Yaşanan Trajik Kaza

Warning from the Mukhtar: Railings Should Be Built on the Side of the Road

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The lifeless bodies of the elderly couple were removed from the rocks after the teams, who had difficulty reaching the vehicle due to the steep rocky terrain where the vehicle went down, examined it. Gebece Headman Hasan Topaca stated that the villagers go to the plateaus and Mahrumçalı Neighborhood on this road and said, “There are 3-5 fatal accidents on this road every year. Today, we lost 2 of our elders. We want these accidents to end and for no other lives to be lost. A guardrail should be built on the cliff side of this road immediately.”

Tragic Accident as a Result of the Search Effort Participated by Villagers

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