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Salda Lake and Science Advisor Dr. Erol Kesici


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TTKD Science Advisor Dr. Erol Kesici conducted detailed examinations of Lake Salda, known worldwide for its white sand dunes and turquoise tones. As a result of the research, Dr. Kesici stated that the human impact on the lake is increasing and that this situation has led to drying, damage to the white rocks and pollution. Emphasizing that this unique lake, which was formed over millions of years, is a world heritage, Dr. Kesici said, “The failure to protect natural habitats on Earth has led humanity to search for life on other planets. Even the soil of Mars, the only planet with a potential for life, is similar to the hydromagnetic formations in Lake Salda. For this reason, the formations in Lake Salda are of great importance for research on life on Mars.”

The Value and Importance of Lake Salda

Salda Gölü'nün Değeri ve Önemi

Lake Salda represents an ecosystem of great importance in terms of biodiversity, where land, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems coexist, hosting endemic plant and animal species. The lake has a unique value for the scientific world and is a common heritage of humanity. However, the negativities experienced around the lake in recent years show that the value of the lake is not sufficiently understood.

Sensitivity and Dangers of the Lake

Gölün Hassasiyeti ve Tehlikeleri

Lake Salda has a closed basin and can store pollution from outside but cannot clean itself. For this reason, the lake is negatively affected by factors such as human impact, drought and pollution in its surroundings. In particular, factors such as dams, ponds and drought built on the streams that feed the lake seriously threaten the lake ecosystem.

Lake Salda and Hydromagnesite Formations

The hydromagnesite formations around Lake Salda are one of the important elements that create the clarity and unique turquoise color of the lake. However, the irregularity of these formations and the failure of the white islands called stromatolites to form lead to darkening and deterioration in the lake. Therefore, human activities around the lake should not damage the hydromagnesite formations, especially in the coastal areas.

Environmental Hazards and Warnings

Factors such as increased vehicle and human traffic, uncontrolled drilling wells, agricultural activities and tourism pressure around Lake Salda are damaging the lake ecosystem. This situation disrupts the natural balance of the lake and causes it to lose its unique beauty. Science AdvisorDr. Erol Kesici emphasizes that the necessary precautions should be taken to protect the lake and pass it on to future generations.

Call to Protect Lake Salda

Dr. Erol Kesici states that Lake Salda should be protected not only for today but also for future generations. It is emphasized that the lake has great value not only for financial interests but also from a scientific and ecological perspective. It is stated that the damage done to Lake Salda may be irreversible and that precautions should be taken urgently in order not to lose the unique characteristics of the lake.

Salda Lake and Science Advisor Dr. Erol Kesici

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