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Reactions to the Attacks in Diyarbakır: Statements from the Bar Association, Business Council and Hüda-Par


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Bar Association: “Violent Actions Are Unacceptable”


Diyarbakır Bar Association condemned the attacks on businesses in the city and stated that violent actions were unacceptable. The Bar Association demanded that the authorities take the necessary precautions.

Business Council: “They Will Not Harm the Peace and Tranquility”

Diyarbakır Business Council, in its statement published in cooperation with non-governmental organizations in the city, clearly stated their stance against the events in the city and emphasized that they will be uncompromising against those who try to damage the atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Huda-Par: “We have no relation with the incident”


Free Cause Party (Hüda-Par) made a statement regarding its association with the attacks in Diyarbakır, stating that they had no connection with the incident and stated that they opposed their party’s name being associated with such actions.

(DIYARBAKIR) – The attack carried out by a group on various branches of some businesses in Diyarbakır caused reactions from non-governmental organizations in the city. Hüda-Par, which was associated with the incident, made a statement: “Those who want to involve our party’s name in this incident are evil and malicious.”

Reactions continue against the joint attack of a group of Starbucks and Burger King branches operating in the city last night in response to Israel’s massacres in Gaza. In the written statement made by Diyarbakır Bar Association, it was emphasized that actions taken to cause fear and panic in people are unacceptable.

‘We expect the authorities to take the necessary measures’

The statement of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, which called on the authorities to take precautions to prevent such attacks from occurring, is as follows: “Recently, images have appeared to the public that some private businesses in our city were entered by some groups within the “scope of charges against Israel and that people in the workplaces had to flee from their workplaces with great fear and anxiety.” Diyarbakır Bar Association has been defending freedom of expression for years and has been fighting against any interference with this right. Although it respects the right of everyone to peacefully assemble and organize demonstrations without prior permission within the scope of the right to assembly and demonstration, this right has been violated by entering workplaces and causing fear to the people there. We never accept that it is used to cause panic. As Diyarbakır Bar Association, we state once again that we are against these and similar actions; we invite everyone to act with common sense in order to prevent violent incidents from occurring, to prevent their spread and to prevent any negative situations that may occur, and we also require the authorities. “We expect them to take precautions.”

‘We do not accept these attempts at vandalism’

Diyarbakır Business Council, which includes Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Commodity Exchange, Federation of East and Southeastern Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Associations and many business organizations, published a written statement titled “We will not tolerate those who try to damage the peace and tranquility of our city.” The statement said, “While the concept of religion or belief has a deep meaning and value for the people of our geography, no one has the right to undermine these beliefs, to commit actions that have no place in the religion of Islam, or to “Darken people’s beliefs. Such actions that mediate political motivations in the name of religion or under the name of Israeli protest.” Its use as a tool of social pressure on our city has gone beyond acceptable. We do not accept these attempts at the level of vandalism, and while we call on law enforcement to do their duty, we leave those who try to create an atmosphere of fear and panic by raiding the workplaces of our merchants and traders, first to God and then to the conscience of society. “No one has the right to dry up the 12 thousand-year-old historical past where tolerance and respect flourished,” it said.

Hüda-Par: We have no relation with this incident

A statement was made by the Free Cause Party (Hüda-Par), which was associated with the attack on businesses in various social media accounts and some press and media outlets. The following statements were included in the post made on the social media account of Hüda-Par Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate: “Those who mentioned the name of HÜDA PAR in the incident that took place at the Diyarbakır Starbucks branch last night and those who want to involve “Our party’s name in this incident is evil and malicious. We have no relation with this incident.”

Reactions to the Attacks in Diyarbakır: Statements from the Bar Association, Business Council and Hüda-Par

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