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Reaction from ÇYDD to Minister of Justice Tunç


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Contemporary Life Support Association (ÇYDD) reacted to the statements made by Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç regarding the video published by Diomond Tema on Youtube. In the statement of the association, it was said: “Sharia is the interpretation of religion and its transformation into a political and public regime; ‘Sharia’, interpreted and applied separately in every society, every sect, every sect, has no place and will not have a place in today’s contemporary state and society structure.”

Response to the Statements of the Minister of Justice

Adalet Bakanı'nın Açıklamalarına Yanıt

ÇYDD made a written statement regarding the words of Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç towards Diomond Tema. The post from the association’s social media account is as follows: “Following a recent broadcast on YouTube where the issue of sharia was discussed, in the statement made by the Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç, it was announced to the public that an investigation was launched by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and an arrest warrant was issued against the speaker Diamond Tema, who criticized the sharia order with the examples he gave. It has been observed that targeting posts made on social media accounts were effective in starting the investigation.

Rule of Law and Principle of Secularism

Hukukun Üstünlüğü ve Laiklik İlkesi

In the Republic of Turkey, which is a secular state in accordance with the provision of Article 2 of the Constitution, the duty of the Minister of Justice is not to protect sharia, but to implement the constitution and laws and protect the rule of law. It is never acceptable to initiate an investigation against the speaker who targeted the Constitutional order by advocating sharia in the same broadcast, but who explained the dangers and harms of the sharia regime with the examples he gave.

Sharia is the interpretation of religion and its transformation into a political and public regime; ‘Sharia’, interpreted and applied separately in every society, every sect, every sect, has no place and will not have a place in today’s contemporary state and social structure.

As the Association for Supporting Contemporary Life, we will increasingly continue our struggle to protect the gains of the secular Republic, which we have been continuing for 35 years.

Reaction from ÇYDD to Minister of Justice Tunç

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