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Post-Holiday Cleaning Works


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Yesilyurt Mayor Prof. Dr. İlhan Geçit examined the cleaning works carried out by the Yesilyurt Municipality Cleaning Affairs Directorate Teams, who continued their cleaning work intensively during the Eid al-Adha, on the roads and pavements, as well as in the sacrificial sales and slaughtering places, after the Eid .

Extensive Cleaning Works

Geniş Kapsamlı Temizlik Çalışmaları

Yesilyurt Municipality Cleaning Affairs Directorate Teams carry out extensive work on roads, sidewalks and social living areas against bad odor and mosquito infestation problems that may occur after Eid al-Adha, while container disinfection and washing operations continue uninterruptedly.

Studies for Public Health

Halk Sağlığı İçin Çalışmalar

During the Eid al-Adha, the teams work intensively at the sacrificial slaughtering and sales points, ensuring that citizens spend the holiday in comfortable and healthy environments. After the Eid, the teams carry out cleaning works in the streets and alleys, especially the slaughtering places, grates and garbage containers. By washing the roads and sidewalks with sparkling water, citizens are left with a clean environment.

Yesilyurt Mayor Prof. Dr. İlhan Geçit examined the cleaning efforts and emphasized the importance he attaches to the health of his fellow citizens. The passage stated that municipal teams are constantly on the field and that they do their best to make every part of the district cleaner, more orderly and more livable.

Post-Holiday Cleaning Works

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