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Meeting Where Problems Are Evaluated


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CHP Yozgat Provincial Organization Advisory Board agreed to determine the road map by evaluating the results of the last local elections and district-based problems. At the meeting, Provincial Chairman Abdullah Yaşar drew attention to the economic and social problems experienced throughout the country. Yaşar emphasized that the agricultural sector is going through difficult times and touched upon the management gap and economic difficulties that Turkey is experiencing.

Yaşar stated that Yozgat plays an important role in the field of agriculture and discussed the problems experienced by farmers in detail. Stating that price policies in the agricultural sector negatively affect farmers, Yaşar criticized the government’s agricultural policies and offered solutions.

Tax Policies and Economic Situation

Vergi Politikaları ve Ekonomik Durum

Speaking about the new tax package of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Yaşar drew attention to tax injustice and economic imbalances. Criticizing the increase in taxes to be collected from waiters, Yaşar stated that tax policies negatively affect the public. Yaşar also touched upon the issues of palace expenses and economic savings and criticized the economic policies of the government.

Sorunların Değerlendirildiği Toplantı

In line with the decisions taken at the meeting, the CHP Yozgat Provincial Organization’s working strategies for the next period were determined and the policies to be followed in the preparation process for the elections were planned. Yaşar emphasized that they believe that CHP can overcome the difficulties faced by the country with its solution-oriented approach to problems.

Meeting Where Problems Are Evaluated

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