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Latest Situation on the Growing Forest Fire in Bodrum


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The forest fire that started in the Pınarbelen Neighborhood in Bodrum continues to grow rapidly. The fire broke out at around 14:00 for an unknown reason. While the flames spread over a wide area due to the wind, the constantly changing wind direction made it difficult for teams to intervene. Both air and land intervention continues on the fire that broke out between the Kumköy Neighborhood and Pınarlıbelen. It is stated that an area of ​​​​approximately 100 hectares has been affected so far.

Statement from Muğla Governor İdris Akbıyık

Muğla Valisi İdris Akbıyık'tan Açıklama

Muğla Governor İdris Akbıyık, in his statement regarding the fire, said, “First of all, I wish Bodrum, Muğla and our country a speedy recovery. The fire in Kumköy stands out as one of the most serious fires of 2024. We are trying to bring the fire under control with the participation of many institutions and citizens in the region. There is no danger to residential areas at the moment, but our teams will continue to work throughout the night to completely bring the fire under control.”

Akbıyık said, “Today, we are intervening in the region with 18 aircraft, 119 water trucks and many personnel. We continue our firefighting with support from the Regional Forestry Directorate teams, AFAD units, fire departments, municipalities and the private sector. The cause of the fire is being investigated and area determination studies will be carried out. An estimated 100 hectares of area was affected and this area includes olive groves.”

Bodrum'da Büyüyen Orman Yangını Hakkında Son Durum

Akbıyık thanked all the teams and said, “We expect the support of our citizens in our struggle that will continue until the morning. Get well soon to Muğla and our country, may God protect us from worse.”

Latest Situation on the Growing Forest Fire in Bodrum

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