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Holiday Message from Presidential High Advisory Board Member Mehmet Ali Şahin


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Presidential High Advisory Board (YİK) Member Mehmet Ali Şahin, in his speech at the celebration ceremony in Karabük Governorship, emphasized the importance of the entire Islamic world celebrating Eid al-Adha in peace and tranquility. Şahin stated that the holiday will be incomplete.

The Importance of Normalization and Dialogue in Politics

Siyasette Normalleşme ve Diyalog Önemi

Şahin drew attention to the normalization process in politics and stated that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s return visit to CHP Chairman Özgür Özel had positive effects on the political atmosphere. He emphasized that politics in the country can be carried out in a healthy way with long-term dialogue and mutual visits.

Political Politeness and Choice of Expression

Siyasi Nezaket ve İfade Seçimi

Addressing the criticisms made against Özel’s statements defining the AK Party as a criminal organization, Şahin emphasized the importance of politeness and choosing the right expression in politics. He stated that care must be taken to avoid tainting the normalization process.

Islamic World and Call for Solidarity

Mehmet Ali Şahin drew attention to the difficult conditions in the Islamic world and pointed out the existence of Muslim countries that could not celebrate Eid under bombs. He emphasized the importance of solidarity and unity and stated that the problems between Muslims should be put aside.

Names participating in the program:

  • AK Party Karabük Deputies Cem Şahin and Durmuş Ali Keskinkılıç
  • Karabük Mayor Özkan Çetinkaya

Holiday Message from Presidential High Advisory Board Member Mehmet Ali Şahin

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