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Fire Reporting and Response Process


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Citizens who saw the fire in the forest immediately reported the situation. 112 Emergency Call Center ‘reported. Upon this report, a large number of firefighters and Regional Forestry Directorateteams were dispatched.

Yangın İhbarı ve Müdahale Süreci

Teams dispatched to respond to the fire used the following resources to bring the situation under control:

Yangın İhbarı ve Müdahale Süreci

  • 1 aircraft
  • 9 digressions
  • 2 water tankers

The fire was brought under control as a result of the effective work of these teams. After the fire extinguishing operations, a detailed investigation was carried out in the area. cooling studiesThis process is of great importance to prevent possible re-ignitions.

Fire Reporting and Response Process

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