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  3. Erzurum Courthouse 2023 Activity Report

Erzurum Courthouse 2023 Activity Report


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According to Erzurum Courthouse 2023 activity report data; Violation decisions determined as a result of applications made to the Constitutional Court (AYM) or the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against court decisions were announced.

Erzurum Adliyesi 2023 Faaliyet Raporu

Type of Application Made to the CourtTotal Number of ApplicationsNumber of Files Detected as Violated
Constitutional Court (AYM)4what’s that
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)120

In 2023, the number of legal aid lawyers assigned to the Erzurum Central Courthouse and the number of compulsive defense lawyers reached 686. When we look at the number of files that were decided on mediation application as a condition of litigation in Erzurum Courthouse; It was seen that there were 2 files for which agreement was reached and 8 for which agreement could not be reached.

Erzurum Adliyesi 2023 Faaliyet Raporu

Erzurum Courthouse 2023 Activity Report

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