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Earthquake Danger and Structural Problems in Izmir


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Izmir, one of the cities with the highest earthquake risk in Turkey, is home to many fault lines. The old building stock and incorrect settlement plans in the city bring with them concerns that a possible earthquake could cause serious destruction.

İzmir'de Deprem Tehlikesi ve Yapısal Sorunlar

The Chairman of the Izmir Branch of the Chamber of Geological Engineers, Koray Çetin Önalan, drew attention to the problems experienced in the residential areas of Izmir and said, “Nature shows us the problematic areas. For example, Bayraklı is built on the Meles Delta. This area is not suitable for settlement in any way. Similarly, the buildings in Alsancak are old and structurally problematic.”

Possible Impacts and Precautions on Izmir

Önalan, who emphasized that there are many fault lines in Izmir, stated that if any of these fault lines break, the city could experience great losses. He stated that Izmir could experience transportation difficulties in the event of an earthquake and that urban planning should be reviewed.

Önalan said that in the event of a possible earthquake, the advantageous location of the coastline could be used to modify ferries for sea transportation and rescue operations. He also emphasized that rapid urban transformation was essential in the city, and that buildings, especially in risky areas, needed to be urgently renovated.

İzmir'de Deprem Tehlikesi ve Yapısal Sorunlar

Neighborhoods Where Precautions Should Be Taken

Önalan stated that in a possible earthquake in Izmir, each district could experience different problems, and that situations such as liquefaction and sea level rise could occur in regions such as Konak, Alsancak, Bayraklı, Mavişehir and Bostanlı. He emphasized that these situations require long-term solutions.

Önalan, who stated that disaster plans in Izmir should be updated and tested, stated that preparations should be made considering that people who may be harmed in the event of a disaster. He also said that disaster plans should be created and implemented in cooperation with neighboring provinces.

Earthquake Danger and Structural Problems in Izmir

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