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Climate Activists Held Action at Airport


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Climate Activists’ Airport Action

İklim Aktivistlerinin Havalimanı Eylemi

Environmental activities in Germany carried out a remarkable action to draw attention to climate change. According to the group’s press release, a total of 8 activists entered the aprons of designated airports and stuck themselves on the asphalt. The activities shared images on the social media platform X, holding banners that read “Oil kills” and “Sign the agreement.”

İklim Aktivistleri Havalimanında Eylem Gerçekleştirdi

The statement emphasized that the action taken was an important part of the global campaign called “Oil kills.” According to the information conveyed, it was stated that the use of fossil fuels should be stopped and the German government was requested to undertake to start negotiations for the signing of an international agreement that would phase out fossil fuels by 2030.

This action by climate impacts caused significant disruptions at the airports in question. According to news reports in the country’s press, air traffic at the airports was temporarily suspended.

What Happened?

In Germany, the environmental group “Last Generation” had previously carried out similar actions in various cities to draw attention to climate change. The activists had their hands stuck on the asphalt in the streets in order to cause lines of vehicles to form. In addition, they had not hesitated to stick their hands on the works exhibited in museums and to throw tomato soup and mashed potatoes at the paintings.

Climate Activists Held Action at Airport

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