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  3. CHP Delegation Visited Şerafettin Bahadır, Who Was Under Armed Attack

CHP Delegation Visited Şerafettin Bahadır, Who Was Under Armed Attack


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(KAYSERİ) – The CHP delegation, consisting of Amasya Deputy Reşat Karagöz and Kırşehir Deputy Metin İlhan, visited CHP member Şerafettin Bahadır, who was attacked with an armed attack in Kayseri Pınarbaşı, and received information about his health condition. They made statements after the visit to the hospital where Bahadır was treated.

General Condition and Explanations

Genel Durum ve Açıklamalar

The CHP delegation visited Şerafettin Bahadır, who was attacked with an armed attack on June 21 in Pınarbaşı district of Kayseri, and received detailed information about his health condition. CHP Deputy Aşkın Genç, in his statement after the visit, said, “We received detailed information about Şerafettin Bey’s health condition. I wish him a speedy recovery. I hope he recovers as soon as possible and joins us and our work.”

Amasya Deputy Reşat Karagöz said, “We are really sorry. While our country should have normalized with common sense, the incident was met with a great repercussion in Kayseri. Hopefully, our brother Şerafettin will return to us as soon as possible. Our doctors are paying close attention, we thank them.”

Health Status and Treatment Process

Sağlık Durumu ve Tedavi Süreci

Kırşehir Deputy Metin İlhan said in his statement: “Our patient has a brain hemorrhage. We saw that the bleeding has stopped. There is a bleeding area on the tomography, but none of us can say whether the bleeding will continue or not. The danger.” of life continues. We do not know exactly whether there will be damage in the future. We take care of our patient in the best possible way.” “They took him under treatment and made all the necessary interventions.” he said he

İlhan also said, “We have to act with common sense. This is a service race. This is a democracy race. Our Deniz president took the flag this time in this service race. Another party may take it in another period. But people must “Be careful. They must stay away from these violent incidents.” required. “He shared his views as follows.

CHP Delegation Visited Şerafettin Bahadır, Who Was Under Armed Attack

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