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  3. Brick Pieces Fell From Wall of Building Under Construction!

Brick Pieces Fell From Wall of Building Under Construction!


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In the incident that occurred at around 22:00 last night in Bahçelievler Hürriyet Neighborhood, Birlik Street, brick pieces fell from a 6-storey building next to the ongoing construction and an evacuation was carried out as a precaution in this 48-year-old building.

Citizens who were not allowed into the building were placed in nearby hotels by the police teams affiliated with the Bahçelievler Municipality. It was stated that extensive examinations would be carried out in the building and core samples would be taken.

The core will be taken from the building!

Binadan Karot Alınacak!

Following the incident at the Karahan Apartment located at Birlik Street Number 3 in Bahçelievler Hürriyet Neighborhood, it was determined that the wall remains from the old building on the side wall of the building had fallen. It was stated that the building was evacuated as a precaution and that municipal teams were examining the load-bearing column beam systems. It was seen that there was no immediate risk and the residents of the building were given a temporary residence permit.

The residents of the building were notified publicly to have the core drilled within 10 days and it was announced that if the core drilled was not done, Bahçelievler Municipality would have the core drilled ex officio. It was stated that there were 10 flats and 3 shops in the building and that two floors had been added illegally. It was stated that the necessary work would be done according to the core drill results.

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Brick Pieces Fell From Wall of Building Under Construction!

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