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AFAD Teams Conduct Work to Reduce Rockfall Risk in Taşdelen Village


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AFAD Teams Started Work to Reduce Rockfall Risk in Taşdelen Village

AFAD Ekipleri Taşdelen Köyü'nde Kaya Düşme Riskini Azaltmak İçin Çalışmalara Başladı

AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) teams have launched a comprehensive study to identify rocks that pose a serious threat to settlements on the slopes of Şırnak’s Taşdelen village. In these studies, which were carried out using drone technology, a detailed risk map of the region was created. The size, location and coordinates of the rocks were meticulously determined. In line with the analyzes obtained, a special project was prepared to eliminate the potential risk of rockfall.

Within the scope of this project, AFAD teams tied two large rocks that posed a danger to the settlement areas in the village with steel ropes and secured the rocks by covering them with a net. Şırnak AFAD Provincial Director Muzaffer İşlek stated that a rock fell into a citizen’s pen as a result of a landslide that occurred in the village three years ago and that many animals died in this incident. He stated that after the victim of this incident applied to the Governor’s Office, a detailed study was conducted in the village with a drone. Islek emphasized that the dangerous rocks in the village were identified within this scope.

Precautions Taken for the Safety of Rocks

İşlek explained the work carried out by saying, “We made two large rocks that posed a risk to the village more stable with steel ropes and nets. We mounted the rocks to the mountain mass by tying them.” Islek reminds that rockfall is one of the disasters that cause loss of life and property worldwide, and noted that the mountainous area and steep slopes around the village carry the risk of rockfall.

İşlek said, “Thankfully, there has been no loss of life to date, but this does not mean that there will not be any in the future. Therefore, we are taking the necessary precautions. As a result of our examinations, we identified two “rocks that were prone to falling and initiated projects to stabilize them.” He added that the risks in the village were constantly being monitored.

Work Continues on Other Dangerous Rocks in the Village

İşlek, who emphasized the positive effect of tying the rocks in the village with steel ropes on the villagers, expressed the satisfaction of the citizens of the village for this work. “We had a few houses that could not sleep comfortably because of two rocks. These houses have become safer now. However, there are other rocks in the village that are prone to falling, and our work for these continues,” he said.

Osman Ağral, who lives in the village, stated that his animals died when one of the rocks that posed a danger to the village fell into his pen. Ağral, who stated that he applied to the governor’s office by submitting a petition to take precautions regarding the rocks, said, “Thanks to AFAD teams, they immediately took action and tied the rocks that posed a danger with ropes. This situation provided us with “Great relief. Our village had been experiencing difficulties in this regard for a long time. I would like to thank everyone who contributed.” and he expressed his satisfaction.

AFAD Ekipleri Taşdelen Köyü'nde Kaya Düşme Riskini Azaltmak İçin Çalışmalar Yürütüyor

AFAD Teams Conduct Work to Reduce Rockfall Risk in Taşdelen Village

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