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Growing Military Alliance Between China and Russia


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China and Russia have been increasingly forging an informal political and economic alliance aimed at countering Western influence. This partnership is now evolving into a more pronounced military cooperation, marked by a series of provocative joint military exercises.

Growing Military Alliance Between China and Russia

Recently, Chinese and Russian long-range bombers conducted their first joint patrol near Alaska, signaling a notable escalation in their military collaboration. This was closely followed by live-fire naval drills in the contentious South China Sea, the first of their kind in eight years. The two nations have also intensified their military presence by frequently engaging in joint operations near strategic regions like Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, areas of significant interest to the United States.

These military maneuvers serve as a striking manifestation of the alignment between Xi Jinping, China’s paramount leader, and Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. Both leaders are united in their goal of challenging the predominant geopolitical influence of the United States. China, in particular, has expressed frustration over American trade restrictions and the U.S.’s efforts to strengthen security alliances within Asia.

In response, China has sought to enhance its diplomatic ties with European nations through trade initiatives and has been actively working to build its influence among developing countries via investments. However, such diplomatic and economic strategies have their limitations and cannot fully counter the overwhelming dominance of the United States on the global stage.

Brian Hart, a fellow with the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, notes, “Beijing increasingly feels that diplomatic and economic actions are not enough to get its points across to Washington, so it is relying more on its military as a tool for signaling. Partnering with Russia is a way to amplify Beijing’s messaging.”

Growing Military Alliance Between China and Russia

For the United States, these joint military exercises raise concerns and doubts regarding its ability to respond effectively in a potential conflict in Asia against the combined forces of China and Russia. While American military strategists have long prepared for scenarios involving China and Russia individually, they have given less attention to the possibility of these two nuclear-armed powers collaborating in a unified military effort, a scenario that once appeared unlikely but now seems increasingly plausible.

Growing Military Alliance Between China and Russia

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