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Security Alerts and Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza


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Security Alerts and Humanitarian Crisis

Güvenlik Uyarıları ve İnsanlık Krizi

IDF spokesman Avichay Adraee made a significant appeal to the residents of the Beit Hanoun area and the people displaced in shelters in the Manshiyya and Sheikh Zayed neighborhoods, in a statement regarding the evacuation order. “Hamas is firing rockets at your areas. The IDF will take immediate and strong action against these threats. “For your own safety, please evacuate immediately to known shelters in central Gaza City,” Adraee said.

Gazze'deki Güvenlik Uyarıları ve İnsanlık Krizi
UNRWA: People Are Exhausted

The United Nations Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) has stated that the situation in Gaza is extremely critical, stressing that people are in a state of great exhaustion due to the daily evacuation orders. The agency made the following statements:

  • “Families in Gaza are constantly faced with new eviction orders, causing displacement.”
  • “Many families are forced to move frequently and struggle to survive under the constant threat of attack and bombardment.”
  • “There is nowhere left to go and nowhere is safe. Gaza needs a ceasefire now.”
  • “Caught in the middle of constant military operations, families are being forcibly displaced with nowhere to go.”
  • “Evacuation orders have become an almost daily occurrence. “Shelters are overcrowded and people are being forced to return to devastated areas with grave risks from unexploded ordnance.”

Security Alerts and Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

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