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Gökhan Family Who Changed Their Lives by Becoming a Foster Family in Muş


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Sariye and İsmail Gökhan, a couple living in Muş, provided a warm home as a foster family to 4 children who were separated from their families, ensuring that the siblings stayed together.

Living in the Yeşilyurt Neighborhood and married in 2002, the Gökhan couple had twins 10 years later. Mother Sariye Gökhan (45) and father İsmail Gökhan (49) provided a loving home as a foster family to the four children of their aunt, who was separated from her family after 10 years of childless marriage.

Mother Sariye Gökhan said, “There is a sister-sister relationship between the children. I became a foster family for my aunt’s 4 children and thanks to this, the family unity was not disrupted. We had 3 sisters and 1 brother. Thank God, two of the girls were appointed and are working. One child took the university entrance exam and the other is in the last year of high school. I hope they continue their lives well.”

Father İsmail Gökhan stated that they were happy to be a foster family in 2016 and said, “Our goal is to ensure the family integrity of the children. Since our children are young, they act as big sisters to them. We like this. It “makes us happier that they are happy too.” he said

Change Reflected in the Family

Aileye Yansıyan Değişim

After the Gökhan couple became a foster family, the four siblings, who were separated by their families, grew up together and supported each other. While their two sisters were appointed as civil servants and started to build their own lives, their other two siblings continue their lives peacefully in the family environment with the Gökhan couple.

The Gökhan family, who were closely concerned with the children’s education and health needs, preserved the family unity by ensuring that the siblings were together as a foster family.

Happiness Experienced

Yaşanan Mutluluk

The Gökhan family is happy to ensure that the siblings stay together because they are a foster family. While the sister-sibling relationship develops between the children in the family, the children grow up peacefully and happily in this loving environment.

Mother Sariye Gökhan said, “Our Prophet says, ‘When you take care of orphans, you will see the goodness.’ That’s why it’s a beautiful feeling. May God grant it to everyone. I wish everyone would be a reason for something like this. God will definitely reward you for it.”

Gökhan Family Who Changed Their Lives by Becoming a Foster Family in Muş

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