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Youth Apathy Rate Regarding Politics and Current Issues is Increasing


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Attitudes of Young People Towards Politics and Agenda

According to a comprehensive survey conducted by the Areda Survey research company with 2,432 people across Turkey, 72.4% of the Turkish people think that young people are indifferent to politics and the country’s agenda. The rate of those who do not share this view is 27.6%, and this segment argues that young people are not indifferent to politics and the country.

When we look at the data of the research conducted in previous years, it is seen that the perception of young people’s interest in politics and the agenda has changed over time. While the rate of those who thought “Young people are indifferent to politics and the Turkish agenda” in 2021 was 59%, this rate decreased to 46.7% in 2022. In 2022, a majority of 53.3% stated that they did not agree with this idea However, by 2023, the thought that young people were indifferent to politics and the agenda increased to 63.6%. Ultimately, this rate increased to 72.4% in 2024.

Political Interest of Youth by Year

Yıllara Göre Gençlerin Siyasi İlgisi

YearThose Who Indicated They Were Not Indifferent (%)

Distribution of Opinions by Age Groups

One of the most striking details of the research is the fact that among all age groups, the group that agrees the most with the idea of ​​indifference towards politics and current affairs is the youth between the ages of 18-34 with 76%. This age group is followed by individuals aged 55 and over with 71.3%, while the rate of participants between the ages of 35-54 who share this opinion is determined as 69.9%.

Attitude Based on Gender

Cinsiyet Bazında Tutum

When we examine the opinions of female and male participants, it is observed that both genders have largely similar thoughts. While 72.9% of women adopt the view that young people are indifferent to politics and current affairs, this rate was determined as 71.9% for men. The rate of those who do not agree with this idea is reflected in the research as 27.1% for women and 28.1% for men.

Youth Apathy Rate Regarding Politics and Current Issues is Increasing

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