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Vice President Kamala Harris Addresses Donald Trump’s Racial Remarks


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Vice President Kamala Harris Responds to Donald Trump’s Racial Remarks

Vice President Kamala Harris Responds to Donald Trump's Racial Remarks

Just hours after former President Donald J. Trump made inaccurate and inflammatory claims regarding her racial identity, Vice President Kamala Harris seized the opportunity to address the issue. Speaking at a significant event on Wednesday night in Houston, which was attended by thousands of Black women adorned in striking gold blazers, Ms. Harris provided a powerful example of how she may confront the crude and racially charged attacks from Mr. Trump that are likely to proliferate in the upcoming months of an intensified presidential campaign.

With careful precision, the vice president acknowledged Trump’s statements, which were made during the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists, and condemned his behavior. While she often portrays herself as a vigorous opponent ready to take on Trump, she exhibited restraint on this occasion, opting not to engage in a debate with a white man questioning her Blackness. “It was the same old show,” she remarked. “The divisiveness and the disrespect. And let me just say, the American people deserve better.”

Vice President Kamala Harris Addresses Donald Trump's Racial Remarks

Ms. Harris, whose heritage includes an Indian American mother and a Black father, and who is an alumna of the historically Black Howard University, made only a brief detour from her usual campaign rhetoric to address Trump’s fallacious claims without directly confronting them. Trump had asserted that she previously identified as Indian American and then, as he put it, “all of a sudden, she made a turn, and she became a Black person.”

Her carefully crafted remarks reflected a strategic understanding that engaging with the former president on his terms could inadvertently amplify his falsehoods, according to her allies. Furthermore, a prolonged debate over her racial identity could divert attention from the pressing issues that the Harris campaign believes will resonate more strongly with voters, including abortion rights, economic inequality, and the safeguarding of democracy.

Vice President Kamala Harris Addresses Donald Trump’s Racial Remarks

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