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Tunç Soyer’s Preparations for Candidacy for CHP Chairmanship


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Striking Claim from Barış Yarkadaş: Tunç Soyer is Taking Action for the CHP Chairmanship

Barış Yarkadaş'tan Çarpıcı İddia: Tunç Soyer CHP Genel Başkanlığı İçin Hareket Geçiyor

Journalist Barış Yarkadaş made a remarkable claim during a live broadcast program he attended. Yarkadaş brought up the backstage within the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and claimed that former İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer would enter the candidacy process for the CHP General Chairmanship.

Yarkadaş’s Statements:

  • Soyer’s Goal: General Presidency
  • Barış Yarkadaş said, “Among the discussions in the CHP lobbies right now, there are strong claims that Tunç Soyer will be working for the CHP General Presidency in the upcoming period.”

  • Meeting Plan with Kilicdaroglu
  • Yarkadaş said, “Tunç Soyer will meet with CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in Ankara in the coming days. This meeting will be a critical step for Soyer to realize his political goals.”

    Tunç Soyer'in CHP Genel Başkanlığı İçin Adaylık Hazırlıkları

  • Seeking Support with İmamoğlu
  • Yarkadaş also added, “After his meeting with Kılıçdaroğlu, Soyer will meet with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu by requesting an appointment. In this meeting, Soyer will seek support.”

While these developments are of great importance for the future of the CHP, Soyer’s candidacy process could also change the balance within the party.

Tunç Soyer’s Preparations for Candidacy for CHP Chairmanship

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