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Tragic Death of Irfan Bagriaçık, Who Saved a 9-Year-Old Child


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Development of the Event

Olayın Gelişimi

A tragic incident occurred in Kanallı Street, Yeşiltepe Neighborhood. 9-year-old İ.ME fell into an irrigation canal. Seeing the child fall, brave citizen İrfan Bağrıaçık immediately jumped into the water to help. İrfan Bağrıaçık, who successfully saved İ.ME, was swept away by the current and disappeared after a while.

Following the incident, citizens in the area immediately reported the situation to the authorities. AFAD, AKUT, DAK, OBAK, İz Search and Rescue and fire brigade teams were dispatched to the area in a short time. As a result of an intensive search and rescue operation that lasted 3 hours, the teams found İrfan Bağrıaçık’s lifeless body approximately 500 meters from where he fell into the water.

Funeral Ceremony

Cenaze Töreni

After the autopsy procedures were completed at Eskişehir Osmangazi University Medical Faculty Hospital, the body of İrfan Bağrıaçık was sent on its final journey with a funeral prayer held at Yeşiltepe Meydan Mosque. During the funeral prayer, the imam of the mosque made a speech to the congregation after reciting a verse before asking for forgiveness.

“Saving one life is like saving the life of all humanity.”The imam expressed his feelings by saying, “Yesterday, our brother İrfan Bağrıaçık sacrificed his own life to save the life of a child in the water. “I hope that since he sacrificed his life for saving a life, he will be rewarded as if he saved the lives of all humanity.”

Health Status and Family Information

It was reported that İrfan Bağrıaçık lost his life after being swept away by the current after saving a child who had fallen into an irrigation canal. It was learned that he had been struggling with COPD and heart disease for a long time and had shortness of breath. This may have been a factor in his brave action.

It is known that İrfan Bağrıaçık has 4 children and 8 grandchildren. The circumcision ceremony he organized for his grandson last week had been a great source of happiness for the family. However, after this tragic event, his family and relatives were deeply saddened.

Tragic Death of Irfan Bagriaçık, Who Saved a 9-Year-Old Child

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