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The Story of Abu Casir, Who Survived the Missile Attack in Gaza


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A Story of Loss and Hope from Missile Attack in Gaza

Gazze'de Füze Saldırısından Kayıp ve Umut Hikayesi

Abu Casir, 14, who survived the terrifying missile attack on his home with injuries, spoke about the trauma he experienced and his goals for the future at the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza where he is receiving treatment. Abu Casir, who lost most of his family in the attack, managed to survive with only his cousin.

Abu Casir said that he jumped out of bed at night after a violent explosion and that it was impossible to describe the horrific scene of coming across the lifeless bodies of his family amidst the dust clouds inside the house. “My cousin and I were sleeping in one room in the house, and my father, uncle and sisters were sleeping in the other room. The missile hit the room where my family was sleeping. My 7-year-old sister Sham, my 15 -month-old sister Bena and my 16-year-old sister Shahed, as well as my uncle and father, lost their lives,” he said.

Stressing that he had no one left in life but Allah, Abu Casir said, “Five members of my family died. All of their lifeless bodies were in the street. Everywhere was full of body parts. The scene is indescribable.” Injured by shrapnel pieces that hit his body, Abu Casir also provided information about the platinums attached to his legs. “My current desire is to stand up and expose the crimes Israel is committing against the Palestinians. I want to follow in my father’s footsteps. I want to do my father’s profession, journalism, and make the voices of the Palestinians heard by the world, “he said.

Gazze'de Füze Saldırısında Hayatta Kalan Ebu Casir'in Hikayesi

Recalling the crimes that Israel has committed against the Palestinian people, such as bombardment, torture, deportation, humiliation and genocide, Abu Jasir said, “We expect support from the International Criminal Court and the international community.” “My father was a journalist and he was reporting the truth. That’s why they targeted him. The occupying Israeli targets journalists and their families who tell the world about what is being done to the Palestinians. The most difficult thing is when an entire family is Martyred and a child, a baby in a cradle or a little girl is left behind all alone.”

Abu Casir, who explained that they were displaced at least 10 times, said, “After every explosion and attack, we worry if we have lost a relative. My Lord took my three uncles, three sisters, two cousins ​​and three aunts. “I have lost almost all of my relatives.”

Despite everything, Abu Casir emphasized that he will struggle to make the suffering and experiences of the oppressed Palestinian people heard to the world, and said, “Despite what the occupiers have done to us and their massacres, we are still standing tall. We know That our job is very difficult, but we will be patient. Our Lord has given us the strength to endure and stand tall. No matter what they do, we will not collapse. I was left alone. me to be patient. We will continue to stand tall.”

The Story of Abu Casir, Who Survived the Missile Attack in Gaza

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