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The Growing Tensions between China and Taiwan


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The longstanding tensions between China and Taiwan have been escalating recently, entering a more precarious phase. Beijing has issued threats to severely punish Taiwanese citizens who challenge China’s claim to the island. Additionally, Chinese jets have been increasingly active in the skies near Taiwan, and Chinese Coast Guard ships have been spotted near Taiwan’s outer islands. These actions have deepened the divide between the two sides, as they stand firm on their respective political positions.

Leadership Changes in Taiwan

Leadership Changes in Taiwan

When Lai Ching-te assumed the presidency of Taiwan in May, he pledged to maintain the China policies of his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen. While Tsai Ing-wen advocated for avoiding confrontation with China while upholding Taiwan’s right to self-rule, Lai Ching-te has taken a more direct approach in rejecting China’s sovereignty claims. Lai’s straightforward communication style contrasts with Tsai’s more diplomatic approach, signaling a shift towards a clearer articulation of Taiwan’s separate status.

David Sacks, a fellow for Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, noted that Lai’s decision to be more explicit in Taiwan’s position stems from the belief that Beijing will continue to apply pressure regardless of Taiwan’s stance. This departure from ambiguity in cross-strait relations reflects a narrowing scope for maneuverability in the current geopolitical climate.

Outlook for Future Relations

Outlook for Future Relations

Despite the heightened tensions, the prospect of war or a regional crisis is not imminent. Chinese leader Xi Jinping remains focused on stabilizing China’s economy and has shown a desire to manage tensions with the United States, which serves as Taiwan’s security partner. China continues to pursue its goal of peacefully integrating Taiwan and maintains communication with Taiwan’s opposition Nationalist Party, which advocates for closer ties with Beijing.

The Growing Tensions between China and Taiwan

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