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  3. The ceremony was hosted by Turkey’s Ambassador to Pristina, Sabri Tunç Angılı.

The ceremony was hosted by Turkey’s Ambassador to Pristina, Sabri Tunç Angılı.


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The ceremony was held at the Embassy Residence in Pristina. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Kosovo Democratic Turkish Party Chairman and Regional Development Minister Fikrim Damka, KDTP Deputies Fidan Brina Jılta and Enis Kervan, NATO Peace Force Commander in Kosovo Major General Özkan Ulutaş and other ministers, deputies, mayors, ambassadors and representatives of Turkish and local institutions attended the ceremony.

Speeches of Prime Minister Kurti and Ambassador Angılı

Başbakan Kurti ve Büyükelçi Angılı'nın Konuşmaları

Prime Minister Kurti emphasized in his speech that the people of Kosovo stood by the people of Turkey on July 15, 2016 and stated that Turkey and Kosovo are friends and allies. Ambassador Angılı stated that the determined fight against FETO continues and that FETO continues to exist in Kosovo. He thanked the security cooperation between Turkey and Kosovo.

Minister Damka’s Statements and July 15 Events

Bakan Damka'nın Açıklamaları ve 15 Temmuz Etkinlikleri

Minister Damka stated that July 15th is important not only for Turkey but also for friendly and brotherly countries. It was announced that various events will be held in various cities of Kosovo on the occasion of July 15th.

The ceremony was hosted by Turkey’s Ambassador to Pristina, Sabri Tunç Angılı.

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