Tag: hot weather


Hot Weather in Diyarbakir Negatively Affects Life

The heat wave in Diyarbakır is negatively affecting the daily lives of citizens. While health problems increase due to the heat, citizens are resorting to various methods to cool down.


Tips for Staying Healthy in Hot Weather and High Humidity Climate

Tips and practical information on staying healthy in hot weather and high humidity. This article includes ways to reduce the effects of heat and tips for spending the summer months in a healthy way.


Snakes Take Shelter in Homes in Hot Weather!

Snakes take shelter in homes during warm weather! Tips and precautions for dealing with snake infestations. What to do if there is a snake in the house? Here’s what you need to know!


Cooling Down in Hot Weather and the Sea in Istanbul

It’s now easier to cope with the hot weather in Istanbul! These are the best times to cool off in the cool waters of the sea and have a pleasant holiday.


Hot Weather Effects in Istanbul: Citizens Flock to the Sea to Cool Down

With the expected heat wave in Istanbul, citizens flocked to the sea to cool off. Due to the summer heat, city dwellers prefer to cool off by enjoying the sea.


Heat Warning in Spain

Hot weather warning in Spain! Don’t forget to use sunscreen and a hat. Drink plenty of water and stay in the shade to protect yourself. Take care of your health!


Extreme Heat and Fluid Consumption

Extreme heat can negatively affect our body. Therefore, adequate fluid consumption is important. You can protect your health by increasing fluid intake in extreme heat.


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