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  3. Smile-Filled Dialogue between the Bear and the Citizen

Smile-Filled Dialogue between the Bear and the Citizen


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The incident that took place in Mesudiye district of Ordu showed a good example of the intimate relationship between nature and humans. Murat Karakaya and his family encountered a bear in the forest during their trip to Keyfalan Plateau.

Ayı ile Vatandaşın Tebessüm Dolu Diyalogu

The Karakaya family wanted to give something to eat to the bear they called to immortalize the exciting moment. However, when the bear did not approach, the family waved goodbye to him. They said goodbye to the bear and said, “Take care of yourself.”

Ayı ile Vatandaşın Tebessüm Dolu Diyalogu

This touching moment made not only family members but also those around them smile. This incident, which took place among the magnificent natural beauties of Ordu, proved that people and wildlife can coexist peacefully.

Smile-Filled Dialogue between the Bear and the Citizen

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