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Promotional Activities of Posof District of Ardahan


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A new one has been added to the works carried out for the promotion of Posof district, which reflects the historical and cultural beauties of Ardahan. Promotional shootings started in Çambeli Village.

Posof Food Culture

Posof Yemek Kültürü

During the shooting, women living in the village prepared Posof’s unique dishes and introduced local delicacies. Dishes specific to Posof include hinkali, kete, katmer, various pickles, chadi (corn bread), cut soup, noodle pasta, helle soup and tarhana soup.

Natural Beauties and Cultural Heritage

Doğal Güzellikler ve Kültürel Miras

Following the food shoots, the natural beauties of the region were introduced by shooting in Cak Castle and Hıram, where fairy chimneys are located. In addition, poems and sayings specific to the region were recorded in interviews with elderly people and minstrels from Posof.

Local foodsNatural beautiescultural heritage
  • Khinkali
  • kete
  • ply
  • pickles
  • witch
  • cutting soup
  • noodles
  • helle soup
  • tarhana soup
  • Cak Castle
  • Fairy chimneys
  • Conversations with the elderly
  • Poems and sayings with lovers

Promotional Activities of Posof District of Ardahan

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