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Prisoner Who Started Forest Fire on the Order of PKK Terrorist Organization Caused a Disaster in Prison


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Ali İhsan Ergin Kurttepe, who was sentenced to two terms of aggravated life imprisonment on September 16, 2022 for the crimes of ‘disrupting the unity of the state and territorial integrity’ and ‘deliberately burning forests within the scope of terrorist organization activities’, is being detained in Adana No. 1 T Type Closed Penal Institution after its sentence was approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals.

Terör Örgütü PKK'nın Talimatıyla Orman Yangını Çıkaran Mahkum Hapis Cezaevinde Olay Çıkardı

Kurttepe broke and damaged the security camera in his prison cell on June 1, 2023. Prison officials reported the situation to the prosecutor’s office and a lawsuit was filed against Kurttepe at the Adana 14th Criminal Court of First Instance for the crime of “damaging public property.”

Terör Örgütü PKK'nın Talimatıyla Orman Yangını Çıkaran Mahkum Hapis Cezaevinde Olay Çıkardı

On June 16, 2023, Kurttepe burned the pillow and blanket in the ward he was staying in. Following this incident, a second case was filed against Kurttepe at the Adana 38th Criminal Court of First Instance, again for the crime of ‘damaging public property’. The two case files will be combined and heard at the Adana 14th Criminal Court of First Instance.

Kurttepe, while explaining the events, stated that he went into psychological depression after his ward change request was rejected and that he reacted by breaking cameras and burning belongings. Kurttepe undertook to make payments to the institution to compensate for the damages.

Prisoner Who Started Forest Fire on the Order of PKK Terrorist Organization Caused a Disaster in Prison

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