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Preference Period Recommendations from Education Experts


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Education Experts Provided Recommendations for the Preference Period

Education experts Süleyman Beledioğlu and Nazik Kösegil gave important advice to students regarding university preferences. Here are the experts’ recommendations for the selection period:

Süleyman Beledioğlu: Focus on the Department, Not the University

Süleyman Beledioğlu: Üniversiteye Değil Bölüme Odaklanın

Education Expert Süleyman Beledioğlu emphasized that students should get support from counselors and experienced teachers when making their choices. Stating that help should be received from experts in the field instead of influencers on social media, Beledioğlu stated that students should choose professions with a future and focus on the department they will study instead of university.

Nazik Kösegil: Pay Attention to University Conditions

Education Expert Nazik Kösegil advised students to look at last year’s rankings when making their choices. Kösegil also stated that one should be careful when choosing newly opened departments, and said that foundation universities charge fees and that this should be taken into consideration when making their choices. She also warned them not to choose universities with transportation problems.

Professions of the Future: Focus on Newly Opened Departments

Geleceğin Meslekleri: Yeni Açılan Bölümlere Odaklanın

Kösegil drew attention to the departments opened at the associate degree level and are among the professions of the future. Kösegil touched on the importance of departments opened in areas such as front-end software development, digital transformation electronics, cyber security, and big data analyst, and suggested that students consider these areas when making their choices. He also recommended that English departments be given priority.

Preference Period Recommendations from Education Experts

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