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Opposition to Kids Online Safety Act by ACLU and Students


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American Civil Liberties Union’s Opposition to Kids Online Safety Act

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) mobilized 300 high school students to Capitol Hill to voice their concerns against the Kids Online Safety Act. The legislation aimed at protecting children online is facing strong opposition from various groups.

Student Lobbying Efforts

The teenagers representing the ACLU engaged with the staffs of 85 lawmakers, emphasizing that the bill could potentially stifle important discussions, especially within marginalized communities like L.G.B.T.Q. groups. Anjali Verma, a 17-year-old student from Pennsylvania, expressed fears that vital information accessible online might be restricted if the bill is enacted.

Escalation of Opposition

This student lobbying campaign is just one of the many recent actions taken by opponents of the Kids Online Safety Act. Organizations such as Fight for the Future have organized letter-writing campaigns, while conservative groups like Patriot Voices, led by former Senator Rick Santorum, have launched online petitions against the legislation.

Concerns About Free Speech

Concerns About Free Speech

The contentious nature of the bill stems from fears about its potential impact on free speech, particularly on divisive issues. Liberals are concerned about possible censorship of transgender care discussions, while conservatives fear restrictions on anti-abortion content. The tech industry has also joined the opposition, citing First Amendment concerns.

Details of the Kids Online Safety Act

Details of the Kids Online Safety Act

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) aims to compel social media platforms and websites to implement measures to reduce cyberbullying, harassment, and content promoting self-harm. Additionally, the bill mandates tech companies to activate maximum privacy and safety settings for users under 17 and allow them to opt out of certain features linked to compulsive usage.

Opposition to Kids Online Safety Act by ACLU and Students

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