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On Misconceptions


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Yıldız Holding Board Member, Pladis and GODIVA Board Chairman Murat Ülker shared his article on his personal website with his readers, based on Prof. Dan Ariely’s new book ‘False Beliefs’, in which he questions our false beliefs in daily life and their consequences. Ülker touched on this subject in detail in his article.

An In-Depth Examination of Misconceptions

In his book, Prof. Dan Ariely questions our false beliefs and examines them in depth, drawing inspiration from his own experiences and people he knows. The book also addresses the issue of why people are prone to false beliefs.

Proneness to False Beliefs

  • Emotional Elements: It is stated that people become more prone to false beliefs under stress. Learned helplessness and stress coping mechanisms are discussed.
  • Cognitive Elements: Stress and cognitive dissonance can cause people to fall into false beliefs. This is explained with research-based examples.
  • Personality Elements: The effects of personality traits on false beliefs are examined. Elements such as lack of control, heuristics, and intellectual humility are discussed in detail.
  • Social Elements: The effects of the social environment on false beliefs and social acceleration are emphasized. It is emphasized that the feeling of exclusion and the need to gain social status can reinforce false beliefs.

Trust and Misconceptions

Güven ve Yanlış İnanışlar

According to author Dan Ariely, when a spiral of distrust begins, it becomes very difficult to re-establish trust. He emphasizes the importance of trust and states that trust is one of the basic components of society. It is emphasized that the first move to establish trust should come from governments.



The article focuses on the negative effects of false beliefs in social life and the importance of trust, emphasizing that we need to question the false beliefs we encounter in daily life.

On Misconceptions

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