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Nomadic Beekeeping in Eastern Anatolia: Ayhan Kan’s Passion


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Nomadic Beekeeping in the Eastern Anatolia Region: Ayhan Kan’s Story

Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi'nde Gezgin Arıcılık: Ayhan Kan'ın Hikayesi

The Eastern Anatolia Region has become an indispensable address for migratory beekeepers with its high altitude, wide pastures and rich floral flora. Many beekeepers, especially those coming from the Black Sea Region, spend their summer months here and enjoy beekeeping. Ayhan Kan, 87, who lives in the Ardeşen district of Rize, is also a migratory beekeeper who passionately continues his father’s profession, beekeeping, despite his advancing age.

Doğu Anadolu'da Gezgin Arıcılık: Ayhan Kan'ın Tutkusu

Ayhan Kan has spent 54 years on the plateaus in Erzurum and surrounding provinces. He spends about six months of the year on these plateaus, and returns to his hometown for the other half. Living in his house in the Güzelova Plateau, where his hives are located, Kan wakes up early in the morning to walk on the mountain and then begins to check his hives.

Kan, who stated that he switched to beekeeping after retiring from Çaykur in 1970, stated that he started this profession that he loved very much with three bees he bought from Ardahan. He has taken advantage of the natural riches of the region by beekeeping in the Erzurum, Kars, Ağrı and Ardahan plateaus for more than half a century.

“I am in love with the bee”

Kan, who emphasizes that there are many migratory beekeepers coming from Rize in the region, says, “I come to these parts in June. It is very cold at night, so I light a fire. I have not seen many bears here, but I cover our honeycombs with bear repellent. I am in love with bees. Now that I am older, I sit and watch the bees in the evenings. I enjoy watching them very much. Especially if they make honey, it is even more enjoyable for me.”

Stating that he gets demoralized if the frame he takes out of the hive is empty, Kan says, “I spend my days busy with bees. I don’t know how my day goes. Sometimes my friends come, sometimes I’m alone.” “My life goes on like this.”

Emphasizing that life in the plateaus is extremely beneficial, Kan says, “If I had not traveled here, I would not have found this health. I owe my health to beekeeping. “If you consume honey, pollen and royal jelly, you will be healthy.”

Kan, who also mentioned the quality of the honey produced in Erzurum, recommends everyone to consume honey produced in this region. The natural beauties and rich flora of Eastern Anatolia allow for the creation of regional flavors as well as beekeeping.

Nomadic Beekeeping in Eastern Anatolia: Ayhan Kan’s Passion

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