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New Regulations for Transition to MEB Open Education High Schools


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New Regulations for Transition to Open Education High Schools by the Ministry of National Education (MEB)

Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) Açık Öğretim Liselerine Geçişte Yeni Düzenlemeler

The Ministry of National Education has made updates to the Secondary Education Institutions Regulation, which includes important changes regarding the transition from formal education to open education high schools.

Transition Conditions and Processes to Open Education

Açık Öğretime Geçiş Şartları ve Süreçleri

According to the regulations, among the conditions determined for transferring from formal secondary education institutions to open education high schools, applications must be made within six months at the latest from the occurrence of the specified conditions. These applications allow students to transfer and transfer to Open Education High School, Vocational Open Education High School or Open Education Imam Hatip High School in line with the requests of their parents.

Student groups that can transfer to open education are listed below:

  • Students whose mother or father has passed away
  • Students who have been given a protection order and placed in foster care
  • Students who are in the one-year respite care process before adoption
  • Students who are given education or care measures
  • Students with special needs reports
  • Students studying at home and in hospital

New Rights for Students Receiving Quran Courses and Memorization Training

The Ministry, through the Directorate General for Lifelong Learning, allows students registered in Quran memorization modules and students receiving Quran memorization training in Quran courses opened by the Presidency of Religious Affairs to transfer to open education high schools. In addition, students who receive Arabic and Basic Islamic Sciences education, who are middle school or imam-hatip middle school graduates but who have not been placed in any formal secondary education institution because they did not make a choice, will also be able to benefit from this right.

The Regulation was drawn up in such a way that its provisions would be implemented by the Minister of National Education, and it entered into force as of the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

New Regulations for Transition to MEB Open Education High Schools

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