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New Registration Regulations in Turkish Schools in France


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The Ministry of National Education has decided to suspend new student registrations at Charles De Gaulle and Pierre Loti schools providing education to Turkish students in France.With this new regulation, French schools in Turkey will be subject to the supervision of the Ministry of National Education (MEB). Until this process is completed, no new students will be enrolled in these schools and Turkey will take the necessary steps to open a Turkish school in France. Pierre Loti French High School is among the schools affected by this decision. The reason behind the decision is that these schools operate without legal status.

In the statements made on the subject, “Until these schools gain a legal status, the courses of ‘Turkish language, Turkish culture, Turkish literature, Turkish history and geography’ at the relevant grade levels will be taught by teachers who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey and will be assigned by our ministry.”It was said.

Fransa'daki Türk Okullarında Yeni Kayıt Düzenlemeleri

The following statements were made in the ministry’s statements:

“As is known, education and training activities in our country are carried out under the supervision and control of the state in accordance with the Constitution. Provisions regarding school types, student admissions and registrations are regulated by relevant laws in this context. The National Education Fundamental Law No. 1739 assigns the duty of supervision and control in education to the Ministry of National Education. The Primary Education and Training Law No. 222 stipulates that Turkish citizens must continue their education in Turkish primary schools. Law No. 5580 includes provisions regarding the types of private schools and student admissions. Within the framework of the rule of law, the Republic of Turkey takes the necessary measures and ensures that private international schools, minority schools and a total of 328 schools opened by Foreigners provide education.

However, in recent days, some issues regarding schools operating without legal status and accepting “Turkish students” have taken an important place on the public agenda. In this context, the points agreed upon in the negotiations regarding the status of Charles De Gaulle and Pierre Loti schools are stated below:

  • It was decided to start work on a comprehensive education cooperation agreement that includes “Turkish” education for Turkish students living in France and to continue negotiations to complete it as soon as possible.
  • Until the international agreement that foresees granting legal status is finalized, no new Turkish students will be enrolled in the aforementioned schools. In this context, no new Turkish students will be enrolled in the kindergartens and first grades of primary schools of Charles De Gaulle and Pierre Loti schools as of January 1, 2024, for the 2024-2025 academic year and beyond; Similarly, no new transfer students will be accepted to intermediate grades.
  • As of January 2024, the list of current Turkish students in schools and the information about the schools branded by AEFE (French Agency for Education Abroad) will be submitted to our Ministry before the start of the next academic year.
  • In addition, until these schools gain a legal status, the courses of “Turkish language, Turkish culture, Turkish literature, Turkish history and geography” at the relevant grade levels may be taught by teachers who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey and will be assigned by our Ministry. The Ministry officials and other relevant units of our State who will be assigned to the offices to be opened within their bodies will monitor and supervise the education and training processes of these schools.

“We would like to thank all the authorities who contributed to the negotiation process for their cooperation and constructive attitudes, and respectfully announce it to the public.”

Fransa'daki Türk Okullarında Yeni Kayıt Düzenlemeleri

What happened?The Ministry of National Education had sent letters to schools that created their own curriculum, warning them about adapting to the Turkish system. The latest statement made by French authorities said, “On July 2, 2024, we received a note from Turkish authorities stating that if this agreement is not signed, the two schools will not be able to accept Turkish students as of the 2024-2025 academic year and that Turkish students registered in our schools should be transferred to Turkish schools.” Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin also “If they come to our conditions, they will continue their lives. If they don’t, we will follow the necessary legal procedures.”had made a statement.

France: Negotiations continue

The statement made by the French Embassy in Ankara included the following statements: “On July 2, the Turkish authorities officially sent a note to the French Embassy stating that if an agreement could not be reached regarding the legal status of Pierre Loti and Charles de Gaulle high schools, these schools would not be able to accept Turkish citizens as of the 2024-2025 academic year and that the current Turkish students enrolled in the schools would have to be transferred to Turkish schools. In this context, our obligation was to inform the parents about this issue and this obligation was fulfilled with the letter dated July 12. Some journalists and parents of students wanted to know from us whether it was true that the Ministry of National Education was not considered as an interlocutor by France. Our answer is clear, the French Embassy is of course in constant communication with the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey. Just a few days ago, a consultation meeting was proposed with the Turkish Ministries of National Education and Foreign Affairs. The said meetings were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey on Friday, July 12. Following the talks, we have officially reiterated our request for a consultation meeting with the Turkish Ministry of National Education and we hope that our request will be accepted in the coming days. The status of the two educational institutions in question has been the subject of intense discussions between France and Turkey for many years. France’s aim is to continue to accept all those who have made significant contributions to the development of bilateral relations, especially at the cultural and economic level, for decades and who wish to study in our educational institutions in Turkey. In this context, France has made proposals to the Turkish authorities to find a satisfactory solution that will benefit the students. “It is determined to continue these negotiations with a focus on reaching a solution.”

New Registration Regulations in Turkish Schools in France

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