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Mevlevihane Ashura Ceremony: Reviving the Tradition


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Mevlevihane Ashura Ceremony

Mevlevihane Aşure Merasimi

A tradition that was about to be forgotten was revived in the “Aşure Ceremony for the Blessings of Muharram for the Spirits of Karbala Martyrs” held in the Mevlevi Lodge. In the event organized by the Human and Irfan Foundation, aşure cauldrons were boiled for the first time in 99 years in the historical building.

While the Kalima-i Tawhid was recited and prayers were made over the Ashura cauldrons, the mutriban team contributed with elegies, odes and hymns.

Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Mehmet Fatih Çıtlak, stated that aşure is not just a food, but gains meaning through the process of flavoring by bringing together different ingredients.

Çıtlak emphasized the historical and spiritual importance of Kasımpaşa Mevlevi Lodge, stating that there is a non-smoking hearth here. He said that cooking aşure in this hearth has great meaning in terms of people coming together, increasing sharing and strengthening the spirit of unity and togetherness.

Emphasizing that volunteers from different professional groups work collaboratively within the Human and Irfan Foundation, Çıtlak stated that everyone serves here only for the sake of Allah.

Mevlevihane Aşure Merasimi: Geleneğin Canlandırılması

Explaining his devotion to the Ashura tradition, Çıtlak drew attention to the importance of prayers and sharing during the preparation of Ashura. Emphasizing that the taste of Ashura comes from gratitude, not sugar, Çıtlak stated that the foundation aims to remind the society of beauty with such events.

Çıtlak stated that he has been attending aşure ceremonies for 37 years and that this tradition has a 350-year history inherited from the Ottomans. He added that the Human and Irfan Foundation will continue to be an example to society and share the beauties with its devoted work.

Mevlevihane Ashura Ceremony: Reviving the Tradition

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