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Meeting of Ottoman Grandchildren: Historical Festival in Gümüşhane


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The Grandchildren of Üçzade Ömer Pasha Met in Gümüşhane

Üçüncüzade Ömer Paşa'nın Torunları Gümüşhane'de Buluştu

The grandchildren of Üçzade Ömer Pasha, who was the Trabzon Governor of the Ottoman Cihan State, held a historical meeting in Soğuksu Plateau, Torul district of Gümüşhane.

Heirs of Güzelhisar Castle Organized a Plateau Festival

Güzelhisar Kalesi'nin Varisleri Yayla Şenliği Düzenledi

Members of the dynasty, who are the heirs of Güzelhisar Castle, built in Trabzon during the Genoese period in the 13th century, revived the traditional plateau festival, which had almost been forgotten, in Gümüşhane.

Traditions of the Third Son Dynasty Recalled

The plateau festival event held during the Üçoğlu Principality period was instrumental in the revival of traditions among the members of the dynasty.

History and Heritage of the Thirchyoglu Dynasty

The legacy of Üçzade Ömer Pasha, who served as the Governor of Trabzon between 1737-1745, was celebrated with an important event by the members of the dynasty in order to pass it on to future generations.

Approximately 500 people who attended the festival had fun with the music of the artists and the horons.

Adnan Güngör Thirdoğlu:
“We are Ottoman grandchildren, when Ömer Pasha was the Governor of Trabzon, these places belonged to him. He started these festivities. We have made efforts for a long time to bring these festivities back to life and bring our family together. It is very “important for us to pass this legacy on to future generations.”
  • Şengül Çağlayan, who donated 500 thousand TL to the Thirchyoglu Solidarity and Solidarity Foundation, expressed her pride by being chosen as the festival gentleman.

Meeting of Ottoman Grandchildren: Historical Festival in Gümüşhane

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