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Meet the Republican Party’s National Platform Committee


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Steve Nagel, a chiropractor and talk radio host from North Dakota, has been vocal about his belief that all types of vaccines have negative impacts on children’s health.

Demi Kouzounas, former chairwoman of the Maine state Republican committee, once oversaw a party platform that controversially labeled the teaching of nonbinary genders in public schools as “child sexual abuse.”

David Barton, an amateur historian from Texas, has consistently argued that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

These individuals are part of the 112 delegates serving on the Republican Party’s national platform committee. They will convene in Milwaukee to draft the party’s first platform since 2016.

Meet the Republican Party's National Platform Committee

The main objective is to create a concise 2024 document that pledges loyalty to former President Donald J. Trump, rather than a detailed statement of party values. Campaign advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles have indicated their intention to produce a streamlined platform, focusing on overarching themes rather than specific policies.

Meet the Republican Party's National Platform Committee

The platform is expected to be significantly shorter than the 60-page document from 2016. It will likely align with Trump’s “America First” agenda, advocating for stricter border controls and tariffs on China. Additionally, it is anticipated to criticize the Biden administration for ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as the current inflation rate.

Meet the Republican Party’s National Platform Committee

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