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Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati Holds Diplomatic Contacts Against Israel’s Threats


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Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati Holds Diplomatic Contacts Against Israel’s Threats

Lübnan Başbakanı Mikati, İsrail'in Tehditlerine Karşı Diplomatik Temaslarda Bulundu

According to a statement from the Lebanese Prime Ministry, Prime Minister Naguib Mikati held a series of political and diplomatic contacts in order to follow up on Israel’s threats against Lebanon and the ongoing state of emergency.

In his contacts, Mikati emphasized the importance of achieving a comprehensive ceasefire and implementing United Nations Security Council resolution 1701 to avoid unnecessary cycles of violence and prevent the situation from becoming even more complicated. He also stated that the government condemned all forms of violence against civilians and that a sustainable ceasefire was important to prevent loss of life.

Magdala Shams Attack and Israel’s Response

Mecdel Şems Saldırısı ve İsrail'in Tepkisi

In the incident caused by a rocket attack in the town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, 12 people, including children, lost their lives and 35 people were injured, 17 of them seriously.

The Israeli army said the attack was carried out from southern Lebanon and blamed Lebanese Hezbollah, but Lebanese Hezbollah denied the allegations of carrying out the attack and denied any links.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement regarding the attack, saying, “Hezbollah will pay a heavy price that it has not paid yet.”

Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati Holds Diplomatic Contacts Against Israel’s Threats

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