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Israel’s Terrorist Acts Discussed at UN Security Council


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UN Security Council Meeting

BM Güvenlik Konseyi Toplantısı

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held an emergency session upon Iran’s request, with the support of Russia, China and Algeria. It was reported at the meeting that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated as a result of the terrorist acts of the Zionist and occupying Israeli regime.

Iran’s UN Representative Amir Saeed Iravani stressed that this attack is a continuation of Israel’s terror and sabotage activities in the region. He also stated that Israel’s current political agenda aims to overshadow the functionality of the new government, which prioritizes peace and stability in the region.

Iravani said Iran condemned the attack in the strongest terms, adding, “We will continue to protect our right to self-defense within the framework of international law.” He also stressed that they will resolutely respond to Israel’s terrorist activities, saying, “We will respond at the time and in the manner we deem appropriate.” Iran also reaffirmed its commitment to international law and the principles of the UN Charter.

Iravani criticized Israel’s aggressive stance against other countries, stating that lasting peace in the region can only be achieved by respecting these principles. “The warmongering leaders of the Israeli regime,” he said, “do not respect the basic principles of international law at all.” In this context, he said, the United States must also take responsibility for this situation.

Iravani stressed that the international community and the UNSC should not remain silent against horrific crimes, saying, “In the last 10 months, about 10 countries in the UNSC, especially the US, have prevented Israel from being held accountable for the massacre and other malicious activities it carried out in Gaza.”

However, he added that these countries not only hinder Palestine’s right to self-defense, but also try to legitimize Israel’s massacre and genocide against the Palestinian people. “This situation also leads to a misinterpretation of the concept of self-defense,” he said.

“The UNSC must take urgent steps to hold Israel accountable for this act of aggression,” Iravani said, adding that these steps should include sanctions and other measures. He noted that only in this way can the international community prevent Israel’s heinous attacks.

Statements by the Palestinian Representative

Palestine’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Feda Abdelhadi, stated that more and more Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories are exposed to fear, pain and loss every day. Emphasizing that Palestinian leaders condemned the assassination of Haniyeh in the strongest terms, Abdelhadi announced that a period of mourning has been declared in Palestine.

Abdelhadi said Israel preferred “terror and violence” to international law, diplomacy and respect for human life, adding, “There is no red line for Israel. There is no law or rule that it will not violate.” He said that no child, woman, man or baby is a target for the Israeli army and settler militias.

Evaluating this situation, Abdelhadi stated that Israeli leaders believe that they will not be punished for their crimes because they have not had to pay any price until now. He stated that the international community must now face this reality and stop the crimes.

“Israel cannot justify its war and crimes against humanity by resorting to any right,” Abdelhadi said. He also stressed that without any steps towards accountability and without sanctions and pressure, including stopping arms transfers, Israel will continue to be a “rogue state” every day.

Warning from Lebanon Representative

Hadi Hachem, the chargé d’affaires of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the UN, said the Lebanese government and people do not want war. “Lebanon continues to fully adhere to UNSC resolution 1701,” he said.

Pointing out that history will judge everyone, Hachem warned, “The current situation is very painful. The future is dark. If something starts in the Middle East, it can spread to the whole world.”

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Israel’s Terrorist Acts Discussed at UN Security Council

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