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Israeli Police Attack Palestinians


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Israeli police attacked Palestinians trying to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. As every Friday, this morning too, police increased security measures in the area where Al-Aqsa Mosque is located and tried to block Palestinians.

Police stopped some Palestinians from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque by checking their IDs. This led to a scuffle at the Bab al-Asbat Gate, where police attacked some Palestinians with batons. Footage showed injured Palestinians covered in blood.

Attack on TRT News Team

The TRT News team that recorded the moments when Israeli police attacked Palestinians was also attacked. Cameraman Ömer Avvad fell to the ground after being pushed by the police, preventing the team from working. Israeli police tried to remove members of the press from the area.

The Situation in Occupied East Jerusalem

İşgal Altındaki Doğu Kudüs'teki Durum

Despite Israeli restrictions, 35,000 Muslims performed Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. But Israeli police are restricting entry to the Al-Aqsa Mosque following attacks on the Gaza Strip. East Jerusalem and the West Bank have been under Israeli occupation since 1967.

Condemnation from Omer Celik

Ömer Çelik'ten Kınama

AK Party Spokesperson and Deputy Chairman Ömer Çelik condemned the attack by Israeli forces on the TRT team. Çelik stated in a statement on his social media account that they strongly condemned Israel’s aggression. Çelik said, “TRT News, which carries the massacre and genocide of the Netanyahu government against the Palestinian people to the world public opinion, continues to serve in the name of humanity. The massacre regime in Israel will sooner or later be held accountable for its crimes against humanity.”

Israeli Police Attack Palestinians

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