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Increased Interest in Local Products Versus Israeli Products


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Interest in Local Products Versus Israeli Products is Increasing

İsrail Ürünlerine Karşı Yerli Ürünlere İlgi Artıyor

Following the Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023, it has been observed that the interest in local products has increased in society. In this context, 8 friends came together in Şenevler Neighborhood and decided to open a “boycott market” where products related to Israel are not sold. At the entrance of this market, which was put into service approximately 5 months ago, “This business does not sell Israeli products”A poster like this draws attention.

Cengiz Rağbetli, one of the owners of Palestine Solidarity Market (FİDAM) Boycott Shopping Mall, made a statement to AA correspondent, They launched this market, which consists entirely of local products, as a response to the oppression in Palestine.Rağbetli stated that the boycotted products were not available in the market, “We thought about what we could do as citizens against the genocide that the Israelis started in Palestine and 8 friends came together. By turning the boycott discourse into an actual action, we offered this opportunity to our citizens in a visible and concrete way.”said.

İsrail Ürünlerine Karşı Yerli Ürünlere İlgi Artışı

Rağbetli emphasized that the market is full of local and national products, “We proved that this can be achieved”He stated that they have received positive feedback from citizens since the opening of the market. “Citizens are very sensitive about this issue. There are many people calling us. We are also working to spread this model throughout Turkey.”He added as follows.

Mehmet Burak Korkmaz, the manager responsible for the market, said that the total There are 4 thousand different products He stated that the customers who came to the shop with peace of mind. Korkmaz, “Our citizens prefer our market because they no longer want to buy Israeli goods and because they boycotted them. The reactions we have received so far have been very positive and all of our products are provided by Turkish suppliers.”said.

Ramazan Sağır, who was shopping at the market, He chose this market to boycott Israeli goods.emphasizing, “I think that these types of markets should become widespread. It is essential that this practice is widespread throughout Turkey and even the world.”he spoke. Deaf, “Because the oppression and massacres that are being carried out are largely carried out with financial power and means. Therefore, we need to cut off their financial means as much as we can. Every individual, regardless of their age, should do what they can . We shouldn’t say, ‘What would happen if I did this?’ Everyone should not consume, use or buy their products within their means. The best way is not to do business with them.”He concluded his speech as follows.

Increased Interest in Local Products Versus Israeli Products

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