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  3. Increase in Fire Cases in Manisa

Increase in Fire Cases in Manisa


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Increase in Fire Incidents

Fire incidents in Manisa, which were 850 in June last year, increased to 1739 this year. 1164 of these cases were recorded as grass and stubble fires, 57 as forest fires, and 518 as fires in homes and workplaces.

Intervention and Support Studies

Müdahale ve Destek Çalışmaları

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department teams responded to the fire in Salihli district with 14 water tankers, 6 tankers, 2 excavators, fuel tankers and 44 personnel. General Directorate of Forestry, Provincial Gendarmerie Command and other institutions in the region also provided support.

Authorities’ Reviews and Support

Yetkililerin İncelemeleri ve Destekleri

Manisa Governor Enver Ünlü, Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Architect Ferdi Zeyrek, Salihli Mayor Mazlum Nurlu and other officials inspected the fire area and wished the citizens a speedy recovery. 9 aircraft, 51 extinguishing teams, 9 work machines and 337 personnel participated in the work.

Fire Typeslast yearThis year
Grass and Stubble Fire8501164
forest fire3057
Home and Workplace Fire430518

Increase in Fire Cases in Manisa

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